
Three. Two. One. Midnight.

I can honestly say I have always bought into the hype surrounding new years eve. The feeling of endless possibilities that await you in the next 365 days is unmatched.

The energy radiating from standing in a crowded room with the ones you love (and the ones you don't) all screaming the countdown, drink in hand, nervously ready to toast to the new year is wonderful.

The unspoken wishes for wanting more from the year than the one just ending.

With the impending loom of a clean, shiny new year it often fills most of us with new found hope and motivation is at an all time high. It is a fairly positive time of year where many are thankful to be seeing in the year ahead and therefor embrace the good, the bad and the mundane. 

There is no real way of knowing how a year will turn out. As scary as that is, having many aspects be entirely out of your control is at times magical.

Not knowing what to expect is the greatest gift the new year can give you.

Embrace it.