Whenever I think of the springtime, the classic quote from The Devil Wears Prada always pops into my head- "Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking."
That being said, there is something quite magical about watching the world slowly come alive in colour after months of drab winter. Watching blossom float through the air, getting caught in hair and laying a soft carpet on the grey pavements, it would make anyone want to write poetry and see the world with a slight rose tint.
I must confess, I usually flock to the capital in the summertime for a proper explore and squeeze in a few trips whenever I can afford to so this was a nice change of pace. The main reason for being up in London, aside from taking a much needed break from work and revision, was to see Bruno Mars. Before all of that fun my friend and I decided to make the most of the glorious spring weather and head over to Notting Hill.
We grabbed a late brunch at Farm Girl cafe which truly lived up to the Instagram stalking we had done beforehand. I ordered a chai latte which turned out to be the cutest (and delicious) drink they had. Top tip: a couple next to us ordered the rose latte and recommend us to stay away, it may look pretty but tasted awful apparently! My friend had the chicken wrap, I the Waldorf salad and we shared some sweet potato wedges all of which was ridiculously tasty.
After this, we strolled around Portobello looking at new rings, window shopping furniture for future houses and catching up from the mere 10 days we had been apart. We happened to pass the well known Hummingbird Bakery and spied a slice of rainbow cake that we just couldn't say no to.
My friend and I happily stumbled across a little square of green garden space to enjoy it in and then reverted to our child like selves in the play park. It was such a fun way to pass half an hour before heading off to meet our other friend/housemate at the O2 arena for an evening of Planet Mars goodness.
Overall, a pretty magical day before an incredible evening.
London, I love you. Whatever the season.
(But especially now in spring.)

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