"Before you know it, you're 20 years old and wondering what happened to that 13 year old girl and why did she spend so long hating herself? But you realize that 13 year old girl didn't ever see herself to be 20, she didn't think she would make it that far. To 16. To 18. To 20. But she did, and oh god, she is so proud of herself for doing so."
I made it to twenty. T W E N T Y.
If you had asked my thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen year old self if I would have made it to twenty I probably would have bowed my head and shook it quietly.
Each and every year since my eighteenth, I have been grateful that I've made it to another year. That I've met another birthday that has been waiting eagerly to greet me and surprise me with the year ahead.
So, twenty officially marks the end of my teenage years and the beginning of the next decade of my life. I'm excited for my twenties because I spent all of my teenage years (and before) hating myself and the world around me but for no longer.
I have absolutely no idea what my twenties will bring and that is equally terrifying and wonderful.
I can't wait.