Already knowing the circumstances that brought this book into being, I couldn't wait to explore and discover further someone I already felt I knew. The book is a collection of Marina's work divided into two categories of fiction and non fiction.
After an insightful introduction by a former teacher at Yale (where she studied and graduated from) I was keen to absorb more of her wonderful work. See, I had felt connected with Marina from just one piece of writing (the main essay and title of the book) and I was eager to strengthen this bond between us. Just two stories into the fiction section of the book I knew this book was about to join the category of 'my favourite books of all time'.
This book is not only insightful, charming, witty and clever it is the truest reflection of someone I have ever had the pleasure to read.
As an added bonus, it truly is a beautiful looking book which always does help. The eye capturing portrait of Marina in a striking yellow coat graces the dust jacket front cover and even after gently peeling this off, the true beauty lay in being greeted with a soft cream hardcover with simple and elegant gold lettering.
Marina taught me a few lessons along the way and a few things in particular struck a cord with me:
- Never be afraid to have your own voice. don't skip the young narrative in favour for sounding older, polished and acceptable. If you're 20 then you should sounds like a 20 year old.
- There is always room for change. It's never, never too late to do something new.
- We are young. So, so young and we have so much time. Use it.
- Life is fragile and fleeting. Embrace every opportunity and live, live, live.
- To love and be in love is wonderful and confusing, but necessary and inevitable.