I would look back on the year passed and realize I didn't achieve what I wanted and feel like a failure, completely disregarding all the other things I had managed to do.
From then on I vowed to only make goals, checking in every month or so to see how much I had progressed since the year began. I also promised to make at least one goal something that would add to my life, as many resolutions are set to remove aspects from our lives.
Twenty-fourteen was a relatively good year for me.
The fog slowly began to lift after a good sixteen months, I started my first grown up job which I loved and am still to this day ever grateful for getting. I spent quality time with the ones I cherish the most on this planet and finally figured out who those people were to me (a few surprises there!). I upped and moved with my family to a whole new county, four hours away from my extended family and friends to start a new chapter. I went back to education and found a little community online. Old wounds began to heal, I took chances, said yes more, became spontaneous, became a little bit daring and made some incredible memories.
But above all, two thousand and fourteen was a year I learned to love myself.
Cheesy and cliche as that sounds I finally understood that the phrase 'fake it until you make it' does, in fact, work.
Goals for twenty-fifteen:
1. Be a better person.
By just making a conscious effort to be aware and understanding, to be kind to all and to continue to grow in a positive direction.
2. Say yes.
This follows on from last year, where I had some of the best times by just saying yes. Opportunities are out there, you just have to take them.
3. Re-learn the guitar.
Hopefully this will be like learning to ride a bike, once learnt never forgotten. Just a bit rusty and squeaky to begin with.
4. Love myself more.
The journey of self love is never ending but it is, apparently,so worth it.
5. Focus.
If anything becomes too much, take some time to evaluate. Remember: you will be okay.